Current Research Projects
Inteligent e-Learning System (IRIS)
Development of an Intelligent Tutoring System in e-Learning Platform. The e-learning is equipped with cognitive and affective detection technologies to serve and to adapt user needs in learning.

Intelligent Safety Driving Detection System (ISDDS)
Research exploration on human side safety in driving. The research involved the use of Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Embedded Systems.
Intelligent and Emotional Chatbot (INTENT)
Research is being done to develop conversational human-computer interaction to serve users based on their prompts and replies based on the users’ mental states.
Human State and Activity Recognition (HEAR)
Research mainly explores and understands human mental state and human activity recognition as well as exploring possibilities in creating wearable devices to detect human state and human activity. Most of the studies use sensors and tools to capture human state signals, machine learning techniques, and deep learning techniques.